The moment you've all been waiting for... Here are both covers to ASOSAS! As is tradition, the chesty one is going to be the paperback version and the armored edition is going to be featured on the hardcover/eBook! This one fought me a little, but everything finally fell into place and worked out perfectly. What do you think?! Meeooow Forrest...
Paperback Cover

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Non-cover related but OMFG THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING! I whipped through it. Cannot wait to learn more about Aeron and Leaf and for those cranky pointy eared studs to find their mates and chill TF out lol. Hmmm…Leaf and Sandra has a lovely ring to it, no? 😁
I have liked the armored covers on the ebooks.
I am loving the paperback cover. It would be awesome for the ebook edition in my opinion. That way when the hardcovers are made available I can technically have both covers lol
Just want to say I feel like I need to do some laundry on those abs! Like wow! And I love the detailing on the armor. Outstanding! Love love love from the Bluegrass.
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